Tuesday, January 19, 2010

第3学期 - 是时候改变了

我知道,我很废,到现在才要写我的New Year Resolution's. 可是不管啦,就现在才有Mood.怎样?

1) 最重要的,看清楚自己.不要再被那一只在我心里无理取闹的EQ作弄.今年不管遇到什么大风大浪,也一定要坚强与开心的面对,不要再哭了.

2) 当然是尽量,花多一点时间在msn与朋友联系.我知道我以前,很choosy,不想聊的,我更本不会管你.现在只希望现在挽回还不会太晚.

3) 大幅度减低我花在dota的时间.它虽然让我得到很多,朋友,名声,快乐,回忆.可是,我也失去了很多正常人拥有的快乐.

4) 学习Digital slr.不求我一瞬间master它,只求我一天可以花上1-2小时去学习它.

5) 学玩相机,自然,就要学photoshop. :s (不知道有没有恒心)

6) 尽量,不要skip class.这个是我最最最希望能做到的.每次都没有动力.还是希望我在美里的4个星期的8-10点睡醒的精神,能用在这里.你要不要继续成为我的动力? :p

7) 多一点运动.*虽然昨天打篮球打10分钟就累倒半死* 可是我不放弃.

8) 多一点回美里,机票不要那么贵了啦!我想多一点回家 T.T

9) 单身不单身,不是很大问题,只求朋友们真心向待.

10) 最后,希望你们都天天开心 :)


Just now, wake up at 7:20, thank's to the Blossom... if no pick up the phone, i will own Blossom something =.=!

So, this time, i really did not 赖床 le, wake up jau si wake up liao. Raining, freezing. Itu dai kor Mr. Johnson still sleeping when i wake up. But anyway, i saw the key is outside, Haha! I thought he lazy go school again, so put key outside.

LES 1010 - Technical Communication. This lecturer, is really FULL OF RULE.

Rule 1: I will Take online ATTENDANCE. So no friend can help to sign. *Hai bu sot, just now take attendance, you CALL the numbers so fast, like tokyo drift.*
Rule 2: Handphone must switch OFF. NOT SILENT MODE! *WTF, you know your class will be boring and still ask us OFF it?*
Rule 3: When hand in your assignment, never put under the Door. *If u happen to be so BUSY, we wait you like so zai? You waist cannot bend down to take? Waist bone issue?*
Rule 4: My class will start at 8:10, 10minute let you all drink coffee and make up. *=.=" you lazy laa!*
Rule 5: My 2 hours session, i will teach only 1 hour+, because u all can't concentrate for 2 hours. *Is you lazy ehh?*

Grrs, I propably can't skip her session now. And i assumed, this gonna be very boring session...


❤ Because of You - After School ❤
❤ My account left 51.87 buck ❤
❤ My new chair ❤

how come the BIG umbrella will fall into the swimming pool =.=!

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