Saturday, June 27, 2009

Affection Versus Attration.

Today, I'm Msn-ing with my Robin. He asked "Why regretion on you PM?"

I explained, and told him as we had no border between each other. No secret...

He analysis the case, and showed me these 2 terms, Affection, and Attraction.

- If you have affection on someone. He/She probably think that you're Mr. / Miss Nice Guy, due to many reasons, might be because you gift them lots of gifts? Or you just helped them out whenever they need you. No matter what they did, is just don't want to hurt you although they felt that you're very annoyed or whatsoever.

Ah, and I'm encounter this problem. All the while, i thought what i had on you, are Attraction > Affection. However, after sometimes and some deeper thinking, somehow, it's more like Affection > Attraction.

So i understand the situation now, and i believed i know what should i do next.

As you can see, even facebook quiz judge me I've 100% attraction on opposite sex, but i failed to attract you... Seems like this quiz is just so lame. Haha.

Stop doing this and that. I want to quit this. You will support me right Mr. See you in 1 week? xD

Anyway, I hoped to know more girls and boys. HAHA. JKJK~ Later WanXin see liao pawn me.

End this with a big smile~ :D

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